Create Account

To start now with Datanomik's API, you only need 3 simple steps.

Create your Dantanomik account

Go to:

Complete the following form and click on "Create my account".


1 - Sign Up

You will receive an email with a Verification Code in the email address you registered in the form.
Open that email, enter the Verification Code received, and click on "Verify Code".


2- Verification code

Generate your API Keys

Test with sample data in our dedicated Sandbox environment without having to provide real credentials.

First go to:

Then click on "Generate API Keys".


3 - API Keys

Copy your API Keys

Finally, copy and save the two values you need to request endpoints: secretId and secretPassword.


4 - Keys Generation


We recommend downloading and saving the CSV file with your API keys because you cannot recover them later.


For security reasons, the secretPassword is shown once in the dashboard after the generation. Please save it securely to be able to consult it later. If you lose your secretPassword, you'll need to create new API keys.

Once you have created your Datanomik account (1) and generated your API Keys you can Set up our Postman collection