📘 Glossary

It is important to keep it simple, so we created this glossary to clarify some basic Open Banking concepts.

General Concepts

API: is an Application Programming Interfaces. The API allows your company´s system to communicate with the financial institution´s system.

Connect widget: The Connect Widget is the tool through which your clients will connect their institution accounts within your app. This way you will be able to query your client´s information.

API call: an API call is made each time you request financial information to Datanomik API.

Sync call: A sync call is made each time Datanomik requests financial information from the financial institution.

API keys: are your credentials to access Datanomik API.

Link: is a set of credentials (such as username and password) to access your account.

Type of Link

  1. Recurrent link: is used to access an account in a recurrent way. Datanomik will inform you when there are any changes in your account.
  2. One-shot link: is used only once to access an account.

Postman: is an application used for API testing. It is an HTTP client that tests HTTP requests, utilizing a graphical user interface, through which we obtain different types of responses that need to be subsequently validated.


Accounts: account of your financial institution.

Balances: the account balance.

Owners: financial institution account owner.

Users: user(s) who can access the account of a financial institution.

Transactions: the transactions made in your account.

Assets: consolidates all the information in one link (account, balances, owners, users)

Date Fields

date: bank´s processing date. Format: ISO 8601

created_at : date when the account was created in Datanomik.

acceded_at: last time the information was updated.

updated_at: date that any information about a resource was updated. For example, it is used when the financial institution´s credentials are updated.

HTTP Verbs

Endpoint: is the group of HTTP methods used to make different queries of financial information.

HTTP VerbTypeDescription
GETRead200 (OK), list or read a specific resource. Use pagination, sorting and filtering to navigate big lists.
POSTCreate200 (OK), connect to the institution and create a link to query information. The information will be saved in Datanomik´s database so you can access it again.
PUTUpdate/Replace200 (OK), in case your institution account´s password changed, you should use this verb to update the credentials in Datanomik´s API.
DELETEDelete200 (OK), delete data from Datanomik platform.